Plan to Eat does not share your recipes on the web and we hide them from search engines by default. Your recipe book is just for you and recipes are only visible to other users when you connect as Friends.

By default, imported recipes are"public", or visible to your Friends, but you can check them as private when importing or when they're already in your Recipe Book.

Make a Recipe Private

  1. Open a recipe in your Recipe Book.
  2. In the details on the upper right, click the Make Private button.
  3. This option will automatically be saved.


  1. Click the  Make Private Button on the lower right of the recipe card in the Recipe Book.

When a recipe is Private:

  • Others will not be able to access the page through its Plan to Eat URL.
  • Others will not be able to share the page on any social media or email link.
  • Your Plan to Eat friends will not be able to see the recipe.

The only way to access the recipe is through your account.

When a recipe is not specified as private, the recipe is accessible through all of those methods.

There is no in-between — you can't make a recipe accessible to your Plan to Eat Friends but not accessible through the web address. Privacy is either completely on or off.

Do my recipes remain private, or can others access them?