Do you provide recipes and meal plans?
Plan to Eat does not provide recipes or meal plans because we want you to be in control of the recipes in your account. We provide the tools for you to gather the recipes that meet your preferences, dietary needs, and budget.
Learn how to add recipes to your account.
Will Plan to Eat make my grocery list for me?
Yes! Once you’ve added recipes and ingredients to your planning calendar, the program automatically generates a shopping list. You can choose a date range for your shopping list that corresponds with the dates of your planning calendar. Then you can shop for what you need and never forget anything!
Learn more about the shopping list feature.
Does Plan to Eat have an app?
Yes, along with our desktop site, we have an app for both Android and iOS devices!
You can use the same Plan to Eat account across all platforms, so download the app on all your devices and your information will sync automatically.
Learn more about the Plan to Eat app
How much does Plan to Eat cost?
It’s $5.95/month or $49/year. We do not ask for credit card information before starting the free trial.
We offer a 60-day, no-questions-asked refund policy.
By default, we do not automatically bill you when your yearly subscription expires.
Why isn't there a free option?
You may have heard the saying if you’re not paying for the product, then you’re the product. We don’t believe in making money by selling your data to the highest bidder, but we still need funds to create the best meal-planning software available.
When you pay us a monthly or annual subscription, you’re contributing to a fully customer-funded business, which allows us to be customer-focused and avoid being sleazy data salespeople.
Read more about our stance on not selling your data.
And if you don’t love Plan to Eat, you can get a prompt and courteous refund within the first 60 days.
What happens if my subscription expires?
We never delete your data unless you specifically ask us to do so. All of your account data, including your recipes, will be waiting there for you when you are able to renew!
However, we do not want to hold your recipes hostage, so you can export a copy of your recipes at any time.
Learn how to export your recipes.
Can I use Plan to Eat if I have dietary restrictions?
Plan to Eat is a great tool for those with dietary restrictions because the Recipe Book is completely customized by you! All the recipes you import can be specific to your needs and preferences and not based on someone else’s meal plan.
Whether you have dietary restrictions, food allergies, or are starting a new diet, Plan to Eat gives you the tools to create customized meal plans that fit your individual needs.
Can I track my macros and nutrition with Plan to Eat?
Yes! Our app will automatically calculate the nutrition facts for your recipes and then you can track your macros on the planning calendar!
Now you can meal plan and track your macros in one app!
Learn more about these nutritional and macro-tracking features here.