You can access your Staples List from your Plan to Eat Shopping List.

The Staples List is a static list to keep inventory and store items that you purchase frequently, but will not show up in your shopping list because they aren't ingredients in recipes. This might be things like bananas, apples, trash bags, paper towels, or shampoo.

When you first look at your Staples List you will notice that there are a few items we have put in there for you.

Edit your Staples List

Hover over an item to see a trash can icon and a  pencil icon.

  • The trash can icon will hide the item from your Staples list.
    • You can also remove multiple items at once by selecting them and using the Remove option at the top of the list
  • With the pencil icon you can set the amount (quantity) to purchase of that item, the units (type of measurement), change the title, assign that item to a different store or category, and add additional notes.

New items can be added to your list by clicking the Add Items button at the top.

  • New staples items have the option to be assigned it to a category, and to a specific store.
  • Items in your Staples List can be moved from one store to another simply by checking a item, or a group of items, and selecting a new store from the Store dropdown.

You can add items to your Staples list from the Shopping list. Simply use the checkboxes next to shopping list items and in the top menu a Copy to Staples List option will appear. 

Copy Staples to the Shopping List

  • Copy selected items to your shopping list by using the Copy Items to Shopping List option. You will be asked to select the Shopping List store you wish to copy your Staples items to.
    • Selecting an option other than "Store Already Designated" will add the item to that store in your Shopping List, but preserve the Staples List store preference. 

  • Your Shopping List and Staples List mirror each other, so organizational changes you make to items on your Shopping list will be reflected in your Staples list and vice versa.
    • ie: When you change the store or category of an item, the Shopping List will remember that change for future iterations of that item on your list. This will also be reflected in your Staples List because the program is remembering your preferences.

Staples list items act as manually added items in your shopping list. Manually added items will remain on your shopping list, regardless of the date range of your list, until you remove them or until you reset your list.


Try it out!


Where is the Staples List?