We have the Metric conversion option for recipes and shopping list units.
You can add and import recipes to your account in your preferred language, but some features may not work as effectively in other languages, like automatically categorizing your shopping list items into the correct grocery categories or stores.
Ingredients, units, and directions can all be in a language other than English, however the program's wording will still be in English (ie: buttons).
We also recommend using the line-item input, instead of bulk input, for entering and correcting recipe ingredients because we do not automatically recognize units in other languages.
The grocery delivery option is available to select countries outside the US. We run our grocery delivery option through Whisk, and the integrations are created by them. You can see a list of available countries and stores that Whisk supports here: https://support.whisk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042706091-Integrated-Stores