Print Your Recipes:
- Open the recipe details.
- Press the Print button in the upper right.
Then the Plan to Eat Print Preview will appear, this is different than your browser Print Preview.
Learn more about your options for printing recipes.
Learn how to print recipes from the App.
Print Your Meal Plan:
You can print your weekly or monthly meal plan and have the option to include the full recipes as well. Use the Print button to see your Meal Planner print options.
At the top of the print preview, you'll see the option to "Print # recipes included in meal plan", checking this box will include the full recipes in your print out.
Learn more about printing your meal plan.
Print Your Shopping List:
Printing your list by pressing the Print button at the top of your shopping list.
Plan to Eat gives you options for how big to print the text size, whether or not to include the recipe key, and an option to split the sections separating each store onto its own page.
Learn more about printing and exporting your shopping list online.
Learn more about printing and sharing your shopping list on the app.